AY- 2022-2023

1. Research Analysis and Modelling software for Engineering Design

2.Innovation Testing and Fault Finding in Electrical and Electronic Devices (03.06.2023)

3.Innovation Testing and Fault Finding in Electrical and Electronic Devices (02.06.2023)

4.A National Level Technical Symposium “EBULLIENTZ 2K”

5.Intra Departmental Paper Presentation

6. Top Emerging Trends in Composites

7.A National Conference on “Emerging Technologies and Computing Applications”

8.A Knowledge sharing on “Construction Process and Site Management”

9.A Seminar on ” Journal Preparation and Publication”

10. High Voltage Engineering & its Research Awareness”

11. “Research Scope and Oppurtunities for Communication Engineers”

12.Research Seminar on “Photo Voltaic System and Design”.

13Awarness Programme on “Tamil Nadu Student Innovators”

14.“Innovations, Challenges and Future Implications of Artificial Intelligence Technology”

15.A Knowledge Sharing session “Cloud Computing Technologies & its impact”

16.Research Webinar on “IoT Design Methodologies”

17.Technical Symposium on RTDC”22

18.Research Seminar on “How to Write a Research Paper & How to Prepare and Present Technical Papers Using Microsoft Power Point””

19.Information Exchange on “Recent Trends in Composite Materials”

20.“Research Strategies and its impacts of Student IEEE Chapter”