Physics Laboratory
Chemistry Laboratory
Communication Skills Laboratory
- Vernier Caliper
- Screw Gauge
- Stop Clock
- Travelling Microscope
- Air Wedge Apparatus
- Spectrometer
- Diode Laser (2 mw Power)
- Ultrasonic Interferometer
- Torsional Pendulum Apparatus
- CRO Apparatus
- Uniform Bending Apparatus – Young’s Modulus
- Non-Uniform Bending Apparatus – Young’s Modulus
- Energy Band Gap Apparatus
- Melde’s String Apparatus
- Sodium Vapour Lamp
- Post Office Box
- Cantilever Setup – Young’s Modulus
- Compact Disc Setup
- Laser Grating Setup
- Laser – Fibre Optic Cable Setup
- Mercury Vapour Lamp
- Hysteresis Loop Apparatus
- Electronic Balance
- Flame Photometer
- Conductivity Meter
- Potentiometer
- pH Meter
- Hot Plate With Temperature Controller
- Hot Air Oven
- Muffle Furnace
- Magnetic Stirrer
- Iodine Flask
- Glass Wares (Burette, Pipette, Conical Flask, Dropper, Funnel)
- Electrodes (Platinum, Calomel, pH Electrode & Copper Electrode)
- Spectrophotometer
- Oswald Viscometer.
- Communication and Soft Skills Lab is well organized with all LSRW Techniques, advanced software are used to equip students with professional communication knowledge.
- Group discussions, paper presentations and debates are held frequently in the lab. The students are given sufficient laboratory practice which helps in improving their personality traits.
- Students are trained to face the recruitment activities such as placement interviews and group discussions for which Students are also provided with high skilled knowledge on International Language Testing System.
- Soft skills such as creative thinking, time management, stress management, presentation skills are imparted to the students in order to maximize their performance if they get exposed to the corporate world.
- In order to cater to the needs of the industry requirement, Language lab is designed to enhance over all communication skills among the students including pronunciation, accent etc. Here, we expose them to the skills where to H.R executives consider essential for every prospective employee.
- In our lab, the modules are learned by the students through experience, multimedia interaction, interactive exercises, and personal evaluation assessment tools. Students are given exposure to communication skills, soft skills and workplace skills.
Programming Laboratory

Software Requirements
- Operating System:
- Windows: Windows 10 or later
- macOS: macOS 10.9 (Mavericks) or later
- Linux: Most distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.) with a recent version
Hardware Requirements
- Processor: Any modern CPU (Intel, AMD, etc.)
- RAM: At least 2 GB (4 GB or more recommended for more extensive projects)
- Storage: At least 1 GB of free disk space for Python and related tools
- Display: A monitor capable of displaying at least 1024×768 resolution