The Department is well equipped with the following laboratories.
Civil Laboratories => Click Here
Surveying Laboratory
- Total Station
- Transit Theodolite
- Dumpy Levelling
- Plane Table
- Prismatic Compass
- Pocket Stereoscope
Strength of Materials Laboratory
- UTM of 400 kN
- Torsion Testing Machine
- Rockwell and Brinell Hardness
- Impact Testing Machine
- Helical Compression Machine
- Beam Deflection Machine
Hydraulic Engineering and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
- Bernoulli’s theorem – Verification Apparatus
- Ship model with accessories
- Pitot tube assembly
- Flow measurement open channel flow
- Flow measurement in pipes
- Losses in pipes (Major & Minor)
- Centrifugal Pumps – Single stage and Multi stage
- Reciprocating Pumps
- Deep well Pump
- Turbines – Pelton, Francis & Kaplan
Soil Mechanics Laboratory
- Proctor Compaction Apparatus
- Unconfined Compression Testing Machine
- Direct Shear Apparatus
- Relative Density Measuring Device
- Triaxial Shear Appratus
- Three Gang Gang Consolidatin Test Device
Concrete and Highway & Environmental Engineering Laboratory
- Ductility
- Los Angles Abrasion Testing Machine
- Marshal Stability Testing Machine
- CBR apparatus
- Bitumen Penetrometer
- Vibrating Machine
- Hot Air Oven
- Flexural Testing Machine
- Flow Table
- Vee Bee Consistometer
- Compaction Factor
- Sieve Shaker Machine
- Digital Compression Testing Machine
- Concrete Mixer Machine
- Centrifuge Extractor
- Water & Waste Water Engineering Laboratory
- BOD Incubator
- Conductivity Meter
- Calorimeter
- Chlorine Comparator
- COD Apparatus
- Hot Air Oven
- Jar Test Apparatus
- Muffle Furnace
- Ph Meter With Electrode
- Turbidity Meter
- Water Bath